Community News
Pledge for Parity on March 8
International Women’s Day will be held on March 8, with this year’s theme being Pledge for Parity.
It was not that long ago that seeing a woman in any sort of leadership role, was unheard of.
Here in Australia we have watched as our culture has slowly evolved from the dark ages of women being seen but not (allowed to be) heard.
Today, we are seeing more and more gender equality as women forge ahead, as they climb the social, economic and political ladder and assuming leadership roles.
Our country is indeed the lucky country, where women’s contributions and achievements are celebrated, respected and valued.
However we need to stop and reflect on our female neighbours around the world who are still suffering from cultural, political, economic and religious oppression.
It is hard to conceive that women are still suffering from social exclusion, female genital mutilation, ‘honour’ killings, trafficking, early marriage, acid attacks and denied the right to health care.
In some countries women are still not allowed to vote, drive a car, own property or inherit land.
In October, 2012, Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai was only a teenager when she was shot in the head by the Taliban for supporting women’s education. She has since gone on to become an international symbol for women’s liberation.
In other places around the world Muslim women have also begun a peaceful jihad, fighting to redefine Islam, as a religion of equality.
They fight centuries of oppression to Muslim women and fight for their God-given rights to gender equality and justice.
On International women’s day, lets Pledge for Parity, as we spare a thought for our sisters around the world as they continue to empower other women, as they fight for gender equality.