With Schools Tree Day and National Tree Day last week, Essential Energy is reminding green thumbs to consider powerlines and safety when planting vegetation around their property.
Regional Manager North Coast, Brendon Neyland, said considering the future growth and height of trees and shrubs would help ensure the long-term benefits of planting efforts.
“We want every tree planted to thrive for many years to come so let’s plant wisely for the future,” Brendon said.
“All trees planted need to be at least 15 metres, or a distance equivalent to their full-grown height, away from powerlines and poles. This will reduce the potential for vegetation management issues in the future.”
Essential Energy advises that:
• • Planting shrubs around transformers can impede access for inspections and maintenance
• • Tree roots can damage underground electricity equipment if planted too close to equipment; and
• • Touching a tree that is in contact with a live powerline can result in an electric shock.
“Certain tree species are unsuitable for planting around powerlines or can impact our underground network. This can become a safety hazard to the local environment and property and may impact power supply reliability,” Brendon said.
“We are working with councils in our footprint to improve long-term vegetation management near our electricity network. We value the contribution of schools, teachers and volunteers on days of such national significance to also educate those within our community.”
View our “Plan Before You Plant” guide at:essentialenergy.com.au/trees to identify unsuitable trees for planting near powerlines and increase awareness of vegetation management issues near the electricity network.