
Pedestrian crossing

Ed, I find it rather strange when we have a busy little school like Gulmarrad public school on Brooms Head Road which does not have a properly marked pedestrian crossing to cross the road immediately in front of the school. The lack of parking forces young mothers to park on the opposite side of the road. This means that they have to cross the road to bring their children across to their cars. It involves waking young babies, as it is against the law to leave them unattended if they cross the road to pick up the kids. On top of this we have an 80k zone dropping straight down to 40k where the children cross. Either side of the school there are many roads leading off Brooms Head Road to service the new estates which are rapidly expanding. What we need is to drop the 80k zone down to 50k from Causley Estate on the eastern side of the road to Sheehan’s Lane on the western side. With the expansion of this area it needs the urgent attention of the local Clarence Valley Council recommending the State Government upgrade the crossing to prevent the sudden death of one of our young children. Surely a life comes ahead of neglected political decisions. Charles Lincoln, Gulmarrad