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Palm Lake Golf
The final round of our 2015 competition took place last week and it still influenced a number of the annual placings for members.
The likes of most improved golfer, most consistent golfer and club champion were still to be decided after the completion of this round. The results will be announced at the Presentation Day lunch on November 17th at the Golf Club.
The round itself was very close with all place-getters being under their handicaps and some needing countbacks to determine the places. In A Grade Bruce Douglass won with 21 points from Peter Jarman on 20 and Ken Hall on 19 who beat Terry Wilson on a countback. B Grade saw Chris Sharp take the money with 21 points with Richard Ardin just pipping Ken Lillie for the minor placing, both with 20 points.
The NTPs on 12 saw Bruce Douglass win the Yamba Barber Shop haircut and Chris Sharp the Sassafras voucher. On 17 Bruce Douglass won the Yamba Pro Shop voucher and Ken Gallagher the Bean Scene Cafe voucher.
The 2016 competition commences in November and the new committee has some ideas to improve even further the enjoyment of its golfing members.
Peter Jarman