I am so pleased to report that last Friday trundled along extremely well despite the absence of a few volunteers that had obligations elsewhere. Isn’t it wonderful to know that we have a great team of volunteers that can easily adjust to fit any roll required of them? In fact we now have enough volunteers to allow ‘rostered days off’. It was also lovely to welcome another Bev to Osprey as a volunteer last Friday, and by all accounts she thoroughly enjoyed her day with you all, and she will be joining us on a regular basis.
As I was one of the absent persons last week I am relying on relayed information. I do have it on good authority however, that the pork steak with saffron rice was scrumptious and cooked to perfection.
I have mentioned before that we have great rivalry between the tables at quiz time. Pete and Mary have always combined to give the group a challenge BUT they are now claiming that David is a wonderful acquisition to their table. Me thinks I might move him elsewhere.
I also have it on good authority that Sean, our star Rummikub convert, won almost every game last week. Three weeks in the making and we have a champ.
Now ladies, I am giving you a challenge. As you know Sheila loves BIG earrings. Long dangling earrings with tassels and bling, that fly about your face with a twitch of the head. I have told her that I am going to wear a bigger, better, bolder pair than hers next week. Anyone else want to enter in to the fun? The bigger, the brighter the better. Go on. Be a devil. We don’t mind if you wear “clip-ons” boys! Although piercings at your age is probably permissible without parental permission.
Sean won the lucky door prize. Maree and David P won the $20 shopping vouchers.
Weren’t the pics taken on Black Friday great? Thanks Bev, you do a great job documenting our activities and dispersing photos to everyone concerned.
Anyone wishing to join this band of merry men and women, please ring Leanne on 0413 101 518.
Sue Gunning