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ABOVE: Jim Wheeler and Jane Lawrence. Pic: Contributed.

Not only Master Swimmers but the top of Australian Master Swimmers

ABOVE: Jim Wheeler and Jane Lawrence. Pic: Contributed.
ABOVE: Jim Wheeler and Jane Lawrence.
Pic: Contributed.
  Local duo Jim Wheeler and Jane Lawrence have topped the charts in the annual National Endurance swim records for 2015. Master Swimming Australia’s event has three categories in 50 metre and 25 metre pools. The whole event is called the Endurance 1000, and competitors are required to swim continually for 1 hour, 45 minutes and 30 minute swims whilst being timed. Their results then correlate with their age group for National placings. Competitors can compete in all categories or choose one of them. National Endurance swims were recently held in Maclean (50 metre) and Yamba (25 metre) pools. Maclean pool had the record with Iluka swimmer Jim Wheeler in 2nd place for the 60 minute swim in his age group and 2nd place for the 45 minute swim and 4th in the 30 minute swim. Palmers Island resident, Jane Lawrence, is now in 2nd place for the 60 minute swim, 4th for the 45 minute swim and 3rd in the 30 minute swim. This is a tremendous effort by these local swimmers. Congratulations to both Jim and Jane. These swimmers enjoy the camaraderie of the Masters Swim Club as much as the water. Always eager with encouragement and coaching tips they are fantastic representatives of the local Masters Swim Club. Gai Pritchett