As co-chairs of the Australian Mental Health Prize, we’re reaching out to Australian communities to encourage nominations for the 2024 Prize.
Recent events have underscored the importance of supporting one another during challenging times. It is also imperative that we have responsible conversations that challenge stigma and misinformation surrounding mental health. With almost half of Australians facing mental health challenges in their lifetime, it’s clear that no community is untouched by these issues.
Despite this, mental health funding remains disproportionately low, exacerbating service gaps and leaving marginalised individuals without essential support. The aftermath of COVID-19 has only intensified these challenges, emphasising the interconnectedness of mental health with broader societal issues.
The Australian Mental Health Prize serves as a platform to honour individuals who have made significant contributions to mental health advocacy and service provision. Nominations for the 2024 prize are open until July 8, 2024, with winners announced on September 23, 2024. Categories include Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Lived Experience, Professional, and Community Hero.
We urge your readers to nominate deserving candidates who have shown outstanding dedication to mental health in their communities. To nominate, visit
Together, let’s prioritise mental well-being and create more inclusive and supportive societies.
Lucy Brogden AM and Allan Fels AO,
Co-Chairs of the Australian Mental Health Prize Advisory Group