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New festival co-ordinator welcomed

Former Jacaranda Holiday Princess Leah Wallace has taken on the position of Jacaranda Festival Co-ordinator, replacing former co-ordinator Donna Hunt who retired from the position due to moving interstate. Image: Lynne Mowbray
Lynne Mowbray Former Jacaranda Holiday Princess Leah Wallace has taken over the role of Jacaranda festival co-ordinator from Donna Hunt who retired from the position, due to moving interstate. Leah was welcomed to her new position last Tuesday November 28, at a function to say thank you to this year’s festival members and volunteers. Leah said that she had just completed her first day and was looking forward to her new position. “Jacaranda is a passion of mine and I’m so excited to be involved,” Leah said. The committee gave a special thank you to Donna Hunt [who was unable to attend the meeting] for all her hard work over the last three years.