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More eBook titles for library borrowers
The demand for loaning free eBooks through the Valley libraries website continues to grow as more library users tap into this service. The Wheelers eBook collection has been available to borrowers in the Valley since the beginning of 2013 and since then over 1000 library members have downloaded eBooks to their computer or portable device.
“The Wheelers eBook service offers 24/7 access to over 2000 titles for our library members,” said Regional Librarian Kathryn Breward.
“This means you can visit the Clarence Regional Library and borrow a book online from anywhere there is an internet connection.”
With the recent addition of Penguin publishers to the content of the Wheelers collection, Valley libraries have selected 100 new titles for holiday readers. These include popular fiction authors such as Lee Child and Kathy Reichs as well as non-fiction titles and content for younger readers.
Ebooks borrowed from the collection via the Clarence Regional Library website can be read online, downloaded to a home computer, or accessed with the Wheelers app on a portable device.
“It’s another way the library is providing resources for additional users. The delivery systems are changing and it’s giving more options to the way readers are accessing book content.” says Ms. Breward “Another advantage is that book return themselves after a month, so there are no overdue fines.”
“With more months of summer ahead, eMagazines and eBooks are an excellent way of updating your reading materials wherever you are – even at the beach,” she added.Those seeking more information on how to access eBooks can ask at their nearest library. Valley libraries also offer Tech Time assistance where you can bring in your device and receive one-on-one assistance from an experienced staff member. Check the Tech Times link on the library website at for the next Tech Time at a Valley library near you.