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Mill assists local marine rescue

(l-r) Iluka/Yamba Marine Rescue Deputy Unit Commander Jeff Clout, Commander Frank Bond and Harwood Mill employees Glen Roberts and Andrew Hall. Pic: Contributed
(l-r) Iluka/Yamba Marine Rescue Deputy Unit Commander Jeff Clout, Commander Frank Bond and Harwood Mill employees Glen Roberts and Andrew Hall. Pic: Contributed
  Marine Rescue NSW’s Iluka/Yamba unit will soon be purchasing new radio antennas for its communications building, thanks to the support of the Harwood Sugar Mill and Refinery. The mill made the donation last week as a result of its safety awards system, which centres on employees achieving injury-free days and the setting aside of funds as a reward. Employees then elect to donate to worthy causes such as the local hospital, emergency services or other registered charities. This time the Iluka/Yamba Marine Rescue was the recipient. The unit’s commander, Frank Bond, said he and his fellow volunteers were grateful for the donation.