Community News

Mikayla drops in …and will stay for a while

Yamba Rotary would like to welcome Mikayla Meyer, our exchange student from Canandaigua New York State USA. Mikayla composed many pictures and stories of her family, pursuits, ambitions and her love of animals for her presentation to the club at our recent partners dinner meeting. Mikayla’s host club in the USA is Gorham. Mikayla will be attending the local high school in Maclean as well as experiencing the many different lifestyles Australia has to offer while she is visiting our area of the Lower Clarence Valley. Mikayla is very keen to work with animals, and if you have some odd jobs around, she also is trying to put funds together for a wonderful trip with all the other Rotary exchange students participate in. They travel together by coach to towns and landmarks throughout Australia. Yamba Rotary Club is busily organising for our wonderful Twilight Markets for New Years day. If you feel that you can contribute in any way, please do not hesitate to contact either the president Bill Venn on 0417 436 932 or Secretary Rick Angelo 0404 476 702.