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Men’s group seeks sponsors
The Waanyji Yaegl Men’s Group is seeking sponsorships to help facilitate a youth ‘camp’ on the Lower Clarence.
The camp aims to “teach young men the basic cultural values and respect for land and cultural ways”.
The men’s group has already raised some funds after conducting a successful bowls day.
“Our group invited a men’s group from Coffs Harbour to join in,” says treasurer John Skinner.
Mr Skinner is also NSW Police’s Aboriginal Liaison Officer for the Clarence Valley.
The men’s group, which is incorporated, is selling Yaegl Men’s Group shirts, too, to raise additional funds for the initiative.
The inaugural camp is planned to take place at Woody Head from September 25 to 29.
Representatives from various organisations will deliver workshops on things such as: healthy lifestyles, alcohol/drugs; various legal and policing issues; Elders Lore; and, activities connected to the land such as worming, sacred sites, bush tucker, dancing, pippi hunting, painting and the yarning circle.
People or businesses interested in supporting the initiative with cash or in-kind sponsorships should contact John Skinner on 0448 841 969.