ABOVE: The attached photo shows the Winners of the Fours Championship (l-r) Jane Hannah (skip), Sandra Ferro, Carolyn Byrum and Cheryl Johnson.
Congratulations to C Johnson, C Byrum, S Ferro and J Hannah (skip) who won the Maclean Women’s Bowling Club Championship Fours on Thursday July 23 when they defeated S Keighran (sub for M Denham) L Connor, F Wiblen and M Stallard (skip) 21-14 in a very good game that was closer than the score indicates.
Two visitors escaping from the cold down south were welcomed to social bowls on Tuesday July 21, Joy Hamilton from Keilor in Victoria and Alison Schmid from Tathra on the South Coast.
There will be a visit by the Veteran Mixed Bowlers on Sunday August 9. Mufti dress and the cost is $8. Arrive at 9am for a 9.30am start.
The Past Presidents Day is on Wednesday August 12 and after the meeting there will be a game of bowls from 10am until 12pm. The cost of $20 includes lunch. Entries close on August 5.
The District Presentation Day will be held at Red Rock on Thursday August 27 starting with morning tea at 9.30am. The cost is $22 and entries close on Tuesday August 18.
There will be a mixed bowls trip to Park Beach on Sunday August 30 at a cost of $20 which includes morning tea, lunch and bowls. The bus will leave at 7.30am.
Results of social bowls on Tuesday July21: I O’Brien, A Schmid, M Denham (voucher winners) d V Philp, J Hamilton, J Watkinson; L Bodycote, P Stockings, C Power d C Carter, L Connor, M Grimes (consolation prize); M Combley, L Leadbeatter, B Cross, N Ward d D Newton, M Tomek, F Wiblen, I Whitney. The raffle was won by M Grimes.
Maggie Combley