A warm welcome was extended to members and guests at our last meeting. Most of the committee positions have been filled, a big thank you to the ladies for accepting those positions.
Seventeen members and friends attended International Women’s Day in Yamba, and everyone had a most enjoyable day. The entertainment and the guest speakers were excellent and varied. A big thank to the ladies who helped on the day with cooking, serving lunch, and helping to set up the venue on the previous day.
Our guest speaker for the March luncheon was Helena from Cranes who gave us an insight into what housekeeping and care is available for the over 65s; a most enlightening talk.
Our birthday this year is on May 9 and the theme will be “All things Tartan” – so get out any kilts, wraps, ties etc. anything tartan, to wear on the day, or bring it along for a conversation piece.
Woolgoolga Club’s birthday celebration is May 16. Hoping some of our members will be able to make the trip down there and join Woolgoolga on their occasion.
Our guest speaker for April will be Rex Wiseman who will talk about the local ferries and bridges.
Morning tea roster: Sylvia Callaghan and lucky door prizes – Lorraine McGrath. Any apologies to Sylvia on 0407 030 062 by April 15; as well as any dietary requirements.
Rosemary Rackham