Community News
Maclean VIEW Club
It was lovely to see everyone decked out in their Christmas colours, the room was decorated with Christmas bells and the tables, with handmade gingerbread Christmas trees. It was a splendid sight to see, thank you ladies for all your hard work. Wishing all merry Christmas and a happy New Year, it is our last meeting of the year.
The Christmas cake was cut by outgoing National Councilor Laura and president Evie. Some of the Committee, hammed it up, with a skit on “Spec Savers”, causing lots of laughter. Special guests Grace and Jasmine, entertained us with beautiful singing, accompanying music on guitar. Thank you girls.
A huge thank you to all our members for their support over the year, it is to your credit that we have a great friendly hard working and fun Club!
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 18. This will be the AGM, with a new Committee to be elected. All positions are vacant, any member wishing to apply for a position will be made very welcome. New Zone Councilor, Ann Dinham will preside over elections.
All monies raised over the year goes to ‘Learning for Life’, educating, disadvantaged Australian children.
Maclean VIEW Club wishes the staff of the CV Independent newspaper a merry Christmas and happy New Year. Thank you for your support over the year, and looking forward again, for 2016.
Sylvia Callaghan