What a lovely day we had in Iluka for our September VIEW Club luncheon. Many thanks to the Iluka ladies for organising the raffles and lucky door prizes.
Our guest speaker was Kerry Murphy who is a massage therapist. She certainly motivates her clients with a combination of movement and exercise, and strongly recommends that we all exercise as we get older – we must live more actively!
The VIEW Clubs of Australia National Convention was held at the Sunshine Coast this year in September. Apart from the inspirational speakers that attended the Convention, delegates also heard from 19 year-old Sunshine Coast musician Mason Hope. Raised by his grandmother Lisa from the age of one, Mason shared how support from The Smith Family changed the course of his life. He started going to a homework club in Maroochydore when he was in Grade 4, where he received help with his homework. He was then accepted into The Smith Family’s ‘Learning for Life’ program. Now that he is older he has fully realised how much this program has impacted his life.
Diary Dates:
October 21 – Yamba Day VIEW Club’s 26th birthday – cost $25.
Come and join us on an outing around Yamba on October 24, visiting the Yamba Museum exhibit where we will have morning tea, then lunch will be at the Marina Café where for a cost of $15 you can enjoy a delicious lunch. More details will be available at our next luncheon.
Our guest speaker for October luncheon on October 17 will be Debrah Novak. This will be at Maclean Bowling Club, and any apologies to Ruth on 0409 844 212 by Monday 14 please; also any special dietary requirements.
Rosemary Rackham