With our member numbers a bit down at this month’s luncheon, we still had lots of fun making Christmas and birthday cards, helped along by our craft experts Ruth and Heather, thank you ladies for supplying all the amazing bits and pieces that are available to use to create and decorate a card.
Our fund raising raffle for baskets of groceries and also a beautiful decorated cake by Heather Hughes was won by:
1st prize – Joyce Cotton; 2nd prize – Marg Thompson; 3rd prize – Maureen Collis.
Thank you to everyone who contributed and purchased tickets to help the raising of funds for our Smith Family ‘Learning for Life’ children that we sponsor.
Our next luncheon will be held in lovely Iluka at the Bowling Club; guest speaker to be confirmed.
Morning tea to be supplied by Elizabeth Wallace and Sue Jones, and the Iluka ladies will supply the lucky door prizes and the raffle.
Diary dates:
Yamba Evening VIEW Club birthday celebration on September 2 at the Yamba Shores Tavern, cost $35.
Fun day of croquet at Lawrence Golf Club on September 26 starting 9am for morning tea, croquet playing at 9.30 till midday, followed by a light lunch, cost $12. There will be car pooling for those who require transport. Everyone to meet at Maclean Bowling club 8.30am.
Apologies for our next luncheon to Denise on 0439 414 796 by 8 pm Monday September 16, we also require any special dietary requirements.
Rosemary Rackham