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Maclean Sport Centre
Squash – Last week we had a couple of close five set matches. Match of the week was between Daniel Butt and Peter Greenland. Daniel came, out strong to win the first two sets, but Peter made a great comeback to win the next two, only to be narrowly defeated on the last point of the match 15-14; Nick Greenland def Paul Tarensko 15-12; Jason Harvey def Sam Brendon 15-10, although Sam won on points (64-62); Ross Johnson def Kerry Bennett. Kerry was on match point in the fourth, but Ross made a great comeback to win that game 17-16 and went on to win the match 15-9.
Cricket – Last week’s results: GIO Gents def Home Hardware 129-78. Best for GIO Gents was captain Alex Robinson taking 2/3 and scoring 24 runs and Simon Farrell taking 2/9 and 27 runs and Michael Essex 1/-6 and scoring 26 runs; Brushgrove def White Ones 117-64. For Brushgrove Glen Clark and Col James top scored for the night with 34 runs and Matt Elkerton 4/-13 and White Ones Rhys Fischer 3/-5. Brooke Dawson scored 25 runs; Tradies def Blue Ones 159-65. Tradies Ryan Wisely taking a record 6/-20, along with Bear Honeybrook 1/-12 & 27 runs and James Dawson 3/1 for 25 runs.
Juniors – Great to see good numbers showing up again last week. This was the first week we had more girls then guys in the senior group. It is great to see more new faces. If you are interested in playing, come along on a Wednesday afternoon. Two age groups. (5-10) 3.45pm-4.30pm (11-15) 4.30pm-5.30pm. If the older group can be there at 4.15 so we can work out teams.
Seniors – Last week’s results: Tisms and The Fam had a 6-6 draw, Tisms best player was Jeremy Billett and Cooper Simmons was The Fam best; Maclean Motors def Wildcats 7-5, youngest Jake Townsend and Tahlia Grainger having great games and James McInnis was Wildcats best; Goal Diggers def S.T.E.V.Es 9-5, Goal Diggers Erika King having her first game back in nine months had a great game scoring some great goals and S.T.E.V.Es Ryan Want was their best; Jungle Juice def The Tapouts 16-6. Best for Jungle Juice was brother and sister Josh and Tilly Urndell and The Tapouts Matt Passlow was their best.
Netball – Lawrence def Blue Skies 25-21. Lawrence Tim Ellem shooting was on target all night, and all rounder Alex Anderson-Bylos was Blue Skies best; Bottoms Up def Bush Bugs 35-25. Bottoms Up Emily Dear and Sara Lambert were strong in defence all night and Sara Mills was Bush Bugs best; Fired Up def Iluka 32-20. Best for Fired Up were sisters Bec and Naomi Shannon and Iluka mother and son Renee and Blake Ryan were their best.
Hapkido – self defence classes
Last week Clarence Valley self-defence classes started here at the Maclean Sports Centre. Good numbers showed up for the first week. If you are interested come along on a Tuesday or Thursday night. There are 3 ages groups. Little Dragons (4yrs-7yrs), 5pm-5.30pm, Dragons (8-13), 5.30pm-6.10pm & Adults (14 & up) 6.10-7.10.
by Vicki Gulaptis
Started back on July 25. Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday mornings from 9.30am-10.30am.
For further information contact the Centre on 66 455769 or 0408 852 881.