Community News
Maclean RSL Women’s Auxiliary
The Auxiliary held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 1 in the River Rooms of the Maclean Services Club. President Lynda opened the meeting at 10am, 12 members were welcomed and four apologies accepted.
The Ode was recited and thoughts given to those members experiencing bereavement or illness within their family. Minutes of the July meeting were dealt with as was the correspondence and Treasurer’s report.
Our up-coming annual coffee morning was discussed at great length. Please note that this year the event is to be held on Friday September 16 and will be run in a slightly different format to past years. The venue is still the Maclean Services Club and commencement time 10am. Further information will be advertised later this month. Make sure you change the date in your diaries as we would love to see you there.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 11.15am.
Our next meeting will be held on Monday, September 5 commencing at 10am in the River Rooms of the Maclean Services Club. Any lady who is interested in coming along to see what we are all about please pop into any of our monthly meetings which are held on the 1st Monday of the month.
Lynda Leslie