Community News

Maclean RSL Sub Branch

We have finally returned to our own building; Monday September 28 saw us have our first meeting back at River St since February.   

The meeting was attended by 32 members with eight apologies. The front office will now be manned every Saturday from 0900 til 1200.  After the Club went into liquidation there were three donation tins on the bar, the Brooms Head helmet has been returned to the RFS unit, the Lions mints returned to Lions and the Buyabale tin which contained $94.45 has been emptied and the money transferred to their bank account.  

The Remembrance Day service will be similar to the one we performed on Vietnam Veterans Day, ie an abbreviated service.  Steve will be in contact with the council with regards to the Memorial Wall at the Townsend Cemetery.   

Next meeting will be Monday October 26.


Trevor Plymin OAM JP