Museum is situated in the former 2NR Broadcasting Station building and lies under the tall radio transmitting mast which has been a landmark in Lawrence since 1936.
The village of Lawrence is rich in history and the Historical Society has endeavoured to preserve this history so that future generations will be able to see for themselves the sort of lives that were lived in times gone by.
In earlier days, Lawrence rivalled Grafton as the major centre of the Clarence River, with numerous wharves to cope with the busy river traffic. There was a customs house, court house, auctioneer, blacksmith, baker, butcher and numerous other businesses.
Mementoes of many of these activities are preserved at the museum.
Inside the building, the collection is displayed to show items in the areas where they would have been used, such as the kitchen, laundry, living room, bedroom etc. A special item is a wedding dress c1864.
The Museum also houses a large collection of communication equipment, which includes old broadcasting equipment, telephone exchange equipment, telephones, telex and typewriters.
The Museum pays tribute the men and women who served in the military during WW1 and WW2 with a military wall at the entrance.
The library houses the court bench books from the Lawrence Court House, and newspapers and photographs depicting life in Lawrence and surrounds during the past 200 years, community members have also contributed hand written family histories.
In the gardens you will find an original settlers cottage, a sulky shed, a replica blacksmiths shop, with tools and equipment, a dairy and bails and a barn and farming machinery, horse drawn grader, fire wagons and a flood boat.
Lawrence Museum opening times: Open Saturdays & Sundays from 1pm – 4pm and Tuesdays from 9am – 1pm.