Community News

Last Yamba Country Music Muster of the year

The presentation of Dale Duncan at the November Muster of the Yamba Country Music lived up to the hype that preceded his appearance, his last bracket particularly where he chose to have the local band backing him, stirred up the audience and dancers alike and left a very good overall impression on all concerned. Walk-up artists including four who were totally unknown to us, rounded up yet another very entertaining and successful Muster. We also had the opportunity to welcome new followers into our audience; we trust they enjoyed the program and will return at a later date to sample more of what Yamba Country is all about. This coming Sunday December 13 will bring our season to a close, and who better to do that for us than Tom Maxwell. Tom is one of the true professional artists peddling his wares Australia wide. Tom’s newsletters which I am lucky enough to receive, almost relegates Australia All Over to oblivion. Well done Tom, keep up the good work, no doubt many communities rely on your annual visit. Remember Sunday’s program starts at 10am, but as importantly because of the big Club raffles we will pull up stumps at 4pm. Don’t forget your table decorations, or just come along for an entertaining day of good music. Graeme Routson