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Justine Webber shaves her head…with two other Clarence Valley ladies joining in!
Grafton woman Justine Webber, a receptionist at Duke Street Medical Centre is shaving off all her hair off by hosting her very own ‘Shave It For Cancer’ fundraiser on Thursday, January 28 to help raise money for cancer support services in the Clarence Valley.
Justine has some extra support with two other friends who have decided to join in and shave their heads too!
“I’m so happy to have the support of my two friends’ who will be doing this with me,” said Justine.
Lyn Short from Coutts Crossing and Mary Kleynjan from Half Way Creek will join Justine on the big day and they have also been fundraising to support Justine’s cause as well.
“I would really like to thank some of the businesses in Grafton for supporting me by donating prizes in the raffle, and to everyone who has donated and supported us so far,” said Justine.
Every dollar raised makes a difference, so get behind Justine and donate at the Duke Street Medical Centre or Jagged Edge Hair and Beauty prior to the event or turn up on the day and support Justine. You can also go online and donate at