Is Romiaka Bridge safe to use?
Two years ago, or thereabouts, we were advised that following a State Government inspection, Romiaka Bridge was declared to be in such poor condition, that it would have to be replaced.
We were also advised that in the meantime maximum weight restrictions might be necessary. No completion date was mentioned, but I understand from a reliable source it was a fairly short period. The inference from the reference to weight restrictions can reasonably be assumed there was a perceived safety risk in continuing to use the existing bridge without restrictions.
Typically, I go to Maclean at least twice a week, and I have never been aware of any weight restrictions. In the ensuing period, there have been some significant changes to assumptions made earlier:
1. The completion date for the new bridge is running late, probably very late.
2. Traffic volumes have increased, due to a combination of increased visitor numbers plus many workerrs on the Pacific project temporarily living in Yamba.
3. In particular, work on repairing the Yamba wall has resumed, with huge truckloads of rocks daily. A worker on the site told me that any one truck could weigh 100 tonnes. The other day, having just gone over Romiaka on the way to Maclean, two of these trucks quite close to each other were about to cross Romiaka.
4. In recent weeks, two as yet unexplained ridges have appeared each side of the bridge. Constant vibrations perhaps?
Whilst realising this is a State Government project, I assume our Council has been watching and I believe it would be appropriate for them to issue a statement reassuring us that the bridge is safe together with a date for completion
Brian Holley,