
Hospital Auxiliary fund raiser

Ed, On behalf of the Maclean Lions Club I would like to thank the CV Independent for their assistance in letting the people of the Valley know about our fund raising concert held on Saturday night at the Maclean Bowls Club. As a result $1500 will be given to the Hospital Auxiliary. I would also like to give a big thank you to Glen-Michael Askew who travelled up from Sydney to compare the night and also entertain us with his skills on the keyboard. Also the local artists that performed on the night, Troy Castle & Connor Wilmore who sang, Elizabeth Moore and the Maclean Primary School Choir who performed an instrumental and a couple of songs, the Lower Clarence Community Choir who sang a couple of songs and the two wonderful young guitarists Nick Jansen and Sam Cashman, who gave up a paying gig to play for nothing so as to support the fund raiser. Also a big thank you to the Maclean Bowls Club for the use of the Club, selling the tickets, doing up the posters and advertising the event, plus putting in some cash to round the figure up to the $1500, A great night was had by all who attended. The local talent was amazing, and if any one has any concerns about the directions of our youth, just ask some one who was present on the night (about 170) and they will sing the praises of all the youth that performed on the night. Thanks again to all that attended. Ken Crampton OAM, Maclean Lions Club