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Hogan re-elected deputy speaker

Geoff Helisma |

The Nationals party room has unanimously re-elected Page MP Kevin Hogan to the position of deputy speaker in Australia’s House of Representatives.

“I was humbled to be nominated by my colleagues for the position,” Mr Hogan said in a media release.

“I will always encourage robust debate, but never personal attacks or name calling.”

The Independent requested an interview with Mr Hogan, to discuss several issues; however, he was not available at the time.

However, his staff did provide clarification regarding where he will sit in the parliament – Mr Hogan sat on the crossbench when Scott Morrison replaced Malcolm Turnbull as Liberal leader, following a leadership spill in August 2018.

Mr Hogan provided the following statement: “I moved to the crossbench as a Nationals MP … due to leadership instability.

“At the time I said I would review the decision after the next election.

“After discussions with the leadership team I have informed them I am returning to the government benches.

“There are two reasons for this: firstly, the rule changes initiated by the Liberal Party late last year … mean we will never again see the instability we saw in the last two parliaments; secondly, the Australian public has been able to be heard.

“It has seen a comfortable return of a Coalition government.

“I congratulate Scott Morrison on his leadership since becoming prime minister, and my leader Michael McCormack, who has done a great job.

“I look forward to being part of a government focussed on jobs growth, infrastructure spending, bringing down the cost of living and preserving our environment.”