Director of Medical Services in Grafton and Maclean, Dr Abbey with Maclean Hospital ‘head of nursing’ Anne Farrell who has retired after 43 years of service to the community. Image: Lynne Mowbray.
Director of Medical Services in Grafton and Maclean, Dr Abbey with Maclean Hospital ‘head of nursing’ Anne Farrell who has retired after 43 years of service to the community. Image: Lynne Mowbray.
There was barely a dry eye in the room during an afternoon tea which was held on Friday, for Maclean Hospital’s ‘head of nursing’ Anne Farrell, who retired last week.
Maclean Hospital director of nursing Paul Schofield was deeply moved as he spoke from the heart about his retiring colleague, Anne Farrell.
“She is the ‘rock’ of Maclean Hospital and an exceptional nurse, said Mr Schofield.
“You get more flies with honey, than vinegar,” said Mr Schofield, as he summed up Mrs Farrell’s work ethic.
Maclean Hospital executive officer Dan Madden said that Anne Farrell and Maclean, are the same thing.
“There’s a saying that ‘the reward of service, is more service’ and that’s Anne, through and through,” said Mr Madden.
Several colleagues also added moving comments.
“She always brought out the best in people,” said long term friend and colleague, Ros Ryan.
Director of Medical Services in Grafton and Maclean, Dr Abbey, said that Anne has always been a passionate advocate for Maclean.
“She’s inspired fear in me,” said Dr Abbey laughing.
“She has been particularly protective of the working conditions of the doctors here, always making sure they were well cared for.
“Anne always fought passionately for Maclean’s share of resources.
“She fought very hard and with great tenacity to get another doctor for the Maclean emergency department and it was announced last week that it was successful,” he said.
A farewell dinner in Anne’s honour is to be held at the Maclean Services Club on Saturday, 6 August.