Community News
Have a teen or preteen whose behaviour is out of control?
Who’s in Charge? is a 4 session educational/therapeutic program for parents who have a child who is acting abusively towards them or beyond their control. This is a structured program using group exercises, discussion, facilitator input and handouts to take parents through an interactive process of attitudinal and behavioural change.
The main goal of Who’s In Charge is to empower parents, reduce stress and guilt and give them concrete strategies to help manage extreme behaviours.
In 2010 the program was given an Australian Crime & Violence Prevention Award. Who’s in Charge? programs are now running across Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, England and New Zealand. It is now our turn with CRANES’ Family Relationship Skills Program running the program free of charge for parents in the Northern Rivers and outer Coffs Harbour region.
The session is being held at CRANES’ Pullens Centre 28th of October and 4th, 11th, 18th of November. The program runs from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Morning tea is provided and free childcare is available on request.
The Who’s in Charge? program is one of seven workshops being run by CRANES from now until Christmas. Others are Bringing Up Great Kids, Understanding Your Child’s Brain, Life with a Blended Family, Dads are Important, Toddler Tantrum Toolbox and Return to Calm (Stress Management).
All courses and workshops provided by CRANES’ Family Relationship Skills Program are free of charge including free child-minding at the venues (excludes evening courses). Bookings are essential. For more details contact the FRSP team at CRANES on 66427257 or email
Parents can view the FRSP Term 4 Calendar in full by visiting the CRANES website