Des Johnson, Kerrie Hudson (skip), Robyn (Wendy) Haselum and Narelle Phelps. Image: Contributed
On Tuesday September 19 Maclean Women’s Bowling Club held their Gwen Ford Springtime Triples tournament with seventy-eight bowlers from surrounding clubs playing. Although the weather was rather warm for spring, everyone enjoyed their games in the spirit of friendship.
There were small vases of fresh spring flowers on the tables as well as large vases on the raffle table which was loaded with beautiful prizes. Lunch consisted of a wide variety of tasty sandwiches followed by sponge cake decorated with strawberries and cream.
After play finished in the afternoon and scores were tallied, the results were as follows.
Round 1 winners were the Red Rock team of Pat Donaldson, Carol Newman and Jan Murphy.
Round 2 winners were the team from South Grafton, Margaret Sales, Margaret Andrew and Candy Nixon.
Third prize went to the mixed team of Marlene Crelley (M), Jan Funnell (Yamba) and Fiona Butcher (M).
Second prize winners were the Maclean team of Virginia Nicholson, Jean Butcher and Merle Ryan.
First prize was won by another Maclean team consisting of Narelle Phelps, Robyn (Wendy) Haselum and Kerrie Hudson. The president of Macleasn Bowling Club Ltd, Des Johnson, presented them with the perpetual trophy and individual cash prizes.
To end the day, president Margaret Stallard thanked the sole sponsor, Maclean Bowling Club Ltd, the social committee, the match committee, the raffle ticket sellers and the treasurer, all of whose work made the day a success. Also thanked were the umpires, Ken Crampton and Gary Scott, and last but not least, all the players for their attendance.
Last week’s Ray White Scroungers proved to be a great day with a hotly contested round followed by a delicious lunch. A very vocal crowd watched the final, cheering on the two contestants. First place went to Daph (The Daphinator) Robson, second was Pauline Ryan followed by Wendy Haselum in third place. Wine was won by Kerrie Hudson and Nancy Phillips.
Thank you to Ray White Real Estate which is the valued sponsor of this competition. There will be no Scroungers tomorrow, Thursday September 28.
Maggie Combley