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Gulaptis praises ‘Domestic Violence Is Foul Play’ initiative in NSW Parliament

Clarence MP, Chris Gulaptis has used a speech in the NSW Parliament to congratulate local rugby league identity and White Ribbon ambassador, Dallas Waters on his initiative and drive to change the culture of domestic violence in the Clarence Valley through his ‘Domestic Violence Is Foul Play’ community awareness campaign.   Speaking in the Legislative Assembly last week, Mr Gulaptis praised Mr Waters for using his sporting profile to urge all sports clubs in the Clarence Valley to get behind the campaign and ‘blow the whistle’ on domestic violence.   “Domestic violence is the ugly side of humanity that is rampant in the Clarence Valley and it has been hidden for too long,” Mr Gulaptis told the Parliament.   “I congratulate Dallas for standing up for the most vulnerable in our community but he alone cannot carry the load and he needs the support of our sporting leaders and community champions to help spread the word that domestic violence is not acceptable in our sports. It is not acceptable in our community and we will not tolerate it.   “Helping to stamp out domestic violence in our communities will help to solve a broad range of social issues that plague our communities, but this is a bigger problem than can be fixed by just one man or the Government alone.   “If we want to reduce domestic violence in our community then it is up to each and every one of us to speak out when we hear it or when we see it.   “If people know someone in their sport or their community is beating up on women or their kids they should speak up about it. This is not acceptable in our society. This is not acceptable in our community,” he said.   Mr Gulaptis congratulated the local sporting clubs who have already embraced the program and encouraged other sporting organisations to jump on board.   “By working together we can help reduce domestic violence in the Clarence Valley and protect our women and children and the most vulnerable people in our community.   Mr Gulaptis went on to commend the NSW Premier, Mike Baird for his 12-point plan which includes addressing those social issues that confront our most vulnerable, such as domestic violence, protecting our kids and youth homelessness.   “The measure of a society is how we treat our most vulnerable and I am proud to be part of a Liberals & Nationals Government that is providing for all the people of New South Wales during this terrific rebuilding period in New South Wales.   “It was very pleasing also to see the Federal Government under Prime Minister Turnbull announce $100 million to help fight this scourge in our communities.   “Similarly the Premier of New South Wales, Mike Baird, announced $60 million to help victims of domestic violence in NSW and to nail the perpetrators of this monstrous crime.   “I was pleased to hear the Premier speak in the House today about the Suspect target Management Plans for high risk domestic violence offenders.   “We need to target these offenders. We need to put them away. We need to protect our women and children and we need to make our community safe.   “It is wonderful to see the Premier and the Government of NSW leading the charge in this area,” Mr Gulaptis said.   ** A full extract of Mr Gulaptis’s speech can be found at