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Local News

A few of the Nymboida community members who attended the announcement by Member for Clarence Chris Gulaptis of $200,000 towards the disaster recovery infrastructure project at the Nymboida Recovery Hub. L-R Amy Sparrow, Narelle Barker and Rhona Hunt who all worked hard at organising the application for the grant, which secured the money for the upgrade of the Nymboida Recovery Hub shed. Image: Lynne Mowbray

Grant helps Nymboida’s Big Shed upgrade

Last weeks announcement by Member for Clarence Chris Gulaptis of $200,000 towards the upgrade of the Nymboida Camping and Canoeing Centre’s big shed, has brought a huge smile to the faces of Nymboida residents.

The shed was utilised as a community hub meeting place, after the fires destroyed around 100 homes. It became the beating heart of Nymboida keeping the community fed, watered, clothed, housed and connected during the disaster and recovery. The shed is still being utilised as a base for the Blaze Aid volunteers, who are assisting with the recovery operations.

Nymboida Camping and Canoeing Centre president David Stephenson said that the announcement of the money for the upgrade had the community absolutely on top of the world.

“The money will go towards the installation of a commercial kitchen, where we have a makeshift kitchen at the moment,” Mr Stephenson said.

“It will also supply a meeting place for the community.

“There will be a patio area added to the side of the shed for somewhere to sit while you’re having a coffee.

“The idea is to have a restaurant there so that we have a meeting place on Friday nights to help keep the community connected.

“The community absolutely loved it, coming back here for a meal after the fires.

“The big shed was an information hub which meant a lot to the community and was a place where they could get assistance and mental assistance. It was a safe place where they could talk about their feelings and somewhere they could come to have a beer and a feed and ask questions.

“It was also a home for a lot of people – it was my home for a month after I lost my place in the fire.

“It was a lifeline for everybody here and this is a very positive thing for the community.

“This is unreal; this is the best thing – it’s bloody terrific,” he said.