Community News
Grafton VIEW to attend ‘gala day’
Our August meeting was again attended by 27 members with six apologies, get well wishes are sent to the ladies and their respective family members at this time.
Madge Little co-ordinator for dementia (as guest speaker) gave a very informative insight of what we should be looking for when a family member or yourself show possible signs of dementia, each case is different and therefore the approach to treatment or care should also be treated as individually. Thank you Marge and it is hoped that your talk if needed to be put into practice, is able to assist.
Items were bought along by members for the trading table and were well received and members were very happy with the outcome of same, next trading table to be at a date to be arranged. Thank you to the ladies for your scrummy cooking and the wide variety of reading material.
Ladies, a reminder to you that the Gala on September 16 is now finalised, and those who are travelling with who and where you are getting picked up should be confirmed if not already done. Enjoy the day it is wonderful, and the renewing of past friendships or making new friends is a highlight of the function.
All is go go for our Birthday Luncheon and the decorating committee are in the throes of getting the room ready for decorating so a call out for any items associated with beach and summer would be appreciated and if possible be dropped of Helen C 21 Oliver Street, Grafton on or about November 1.
Next meeting on September 26, will be welcoming Debbie Bowling with some of the Jacaranda parties of yesteryear, so if you are wishing to bring along a guest or you will not be attending, you must contact Vorna on Sunday prior to the meeting.
Lynette Irving