January started the VIEW year with 22 members attending a social luncheon at the Grafton District Services Club. A time to catch up on friends and reminisce over the Christmas break.
National Councillor Elizabeth Birch conducted our AGM in February, with all positions being refilled by the standing member and a welcome back to Norma Merlino as assistant treasurer. President Faye welcomed Pauline Delaforce back to the Grafton Club.
There were 22 members and friends who joined 170 ladies at the recent International Women’s Day in Yamba. What a wonderful energising day, with very informative and enterprising speakers on the subject of “Each for Equal”. We were entertained by local ladies, with U3A choir, Skye McKinney and Iluka ladies dance group.
Our meeting this month is on March 24, with guest speaker Leonie Roberts. Please note this meeting will be held in the GDSC dining room. If unable to attend, or wishing to join us, please call Vorna on 6642 4719 for catering purposes.
Helen Smith