Community News

Jacaranda street stall with Alba Linklater and Anne Herd serving on stall.

Grafton UHA street stall

 Jacaranda street stall with Alba Linklater and Anne Herd serving on stall.
Jacaranda street stall with Alba Linklater and Anne Herd serving on stall.
  The Grafton branch of the United Hospital Auxiliary held their October meeting on Monday 26 with 31 members present and 5 apologies. Executive Officer of the Grafton Base Hospital, Dan Madden addressed the meeting advising there had been a reduction of patients in beds, operations were 8% down and births were static. Expenses for visiting medical officers were up, goods and maintenance were favourable. Mr Madden also advised the High Dependency Unit is seeing lots of work being undertaken on the way to being officially known as the Intensive Care Unit. Most departments and services in Grafton Hospital, of which there are approximately 30, are now on a rating of Level 4 which is excellent. The hospital is requesting on their wish list to the Auxiliary we purchase a cardiac monitor for the Emergency Department and another item needed is a blanket warming cabinet for level 2. We have authorised the purchase of a children`s speech therapy aid and that will arrive soon and be put to use. The UHA participated in the Jacaranda Street Stall held in Skinner Street South Grafton on Sunday October 26. A busy and profitable day ensued, the President and committee would like to thank the two gorgeous boys from South Grafton Newsagency for their support and generously paying for the site fee for our stall. Thank you boys. A big thank you must go to the UHA members who gave up their Sunday to man the stall and also for donating books, plants, cooking etc. Christmas is not too far away, please mark your diaries and reserve the date of Wednesday November 18 for the Christmas morning tea. Again it is to be held at the Community Centre in Duke Street, commencing at 10am the cost is only $6 per ticket and these can be purchased from Go Girlz at 95 Prince Street, Summerland Credit Union also in Prince Street, also from the Hospital Gift Shop on the ground level of the hospital. Tickets will also be available at the door on the morning of function. This is one of our major fund raising events on our calendar with lucky door prize, major raffle, Tombola`s and entertainment this makes for a wonderful day for everyone. Crazy Whist will be played on Monday November 16, commencing at 1pm and held in the Education Centre at the rear of the hospital. Afternoon tea is provided. This will be the last day of Whist for 2015. The last monthly meeting for 2015 will be held on Monday November 23, commencing at 1pm, following the meeting afternoon tea is provided. Elizabeth Holdway