
Grafton Services Swim Club

Eight club members from the GDSC Swimming Club did their club proud when they competed at the mid winter swim in Lismore last Sunday week.

Debbie Smith, Anne Simkus, Jill Enks, Geoff Simkus, Doug Ensbey, Andrew Madden, Gary Dixon and Steve Donnelly were placed in every event.

In the final of the 25m freestyle Steve was first, Debbie was second and Andrew was third.

The 50m final saw Andrew take first place with Steve second and Geoff third and in the 100m event Gary scored the win with Geoff taking second.

Their good performance continued in the relays  – in the 4 x 25m Grafton’s B Team scored second place and in the 4 x 25m Medley relay Grafton’s A and B teams came second and third respectively and in the 6 x 25m relay Grafton managed another second place.

At last week’s meet Max Kroehnert was welcomed back after a prolonged injury and Ann Smith from Tamworth decided to take a dip with us.

The 25m final saw Bruce Durrington, Karlie Cleaver, Steve Donnelly and Toni Ensbey limbering up and getting ready for action.

Steve covered the distance .09 too quickly and Karlie followed suite, breaking by .31. These breaks pushed Bruce into the winning circle with Toni taking second.

Even after a long absence, Max Kroehnert made it to the final of the 50m and his opposition was in the form of Geoff Simkus, Anne Simkus and Bruce Durrington.

They say “you can’t keep a good man down” and this certainly could be applied to Max as he covered the distance too quickly, breaking by a good five seconds.

Bruce once again scored the win with Geoff second and Anne third.

The Wykes Tyrepower Cup was the final event for the night and Shannon Thompson, Gary Dixon, Steve Donnelly and Jill Enks were the contenders.

Steve was the quickest over the 25m but he unfortunately broke by .55 and left the win to be taken by Gary. Shannon a further .37 away took second place and Jill was placed third.

Toni Ensbey