On Saturday February 24, conditions were warm and overcast with the threat of an approaching storm at the Grafton Rifle Club 600-yard mound.
With a slight breeze and minimal mirage, there were some good results from the 5 shooters who braved the humidity.
Dennis Hilton shot the only possible with a 50 with 6 in Target Rifle winning both the Handicap and the Off-Riffle prize. Dave Gillies won the Handicap in Sporter PC with Shane Budd taking the Off-Rifle prize.
Shooting will commence at the 700-Yard mound 1pm on Saturday March 2.
Target Rifle Score1 Score2 Agg HCP
Dennis Hilton 50-6 48-3 98-9 99.5
Shane Budd 28 43 71 91
Dave Gillies 41-1 39 80-1 88.5
Sporter PC
Dave Gillies 49-5 48-3 97-8 105
Shane Budd 49-5 49-1 98-6 102.5
Dennis Hilton 44-3 48-3 92-6 96.5
Dave Lancaster 42-2 44-1 86-3 89
F Standard
Dave Lancaster 54-2 57-4 116-6 120
David Gillies