Once again our course has been subjected to more extreme wet weather, which has resulted in the cancellation of a substantial number of our normal golf competitions.
The major casualty being the previously postponed February monthly mug, which was to be held last Saturday. That particular competition will now be held at some future date, which will be advised, as soon as a suitable time can be arranged. Obviously, all our normal midweek competitions were also effected, however should the weather conditions show some improvement, both the midweek and weekend competitions may resume this week. Should the course re-open, the question relating to the use of motorised carts will be considered on a daily basis. To determine if carts are on or off contact the Pro-shop on 6642 5413.
Nominations for the annual Virginia trip have been open for some time now and a good number of golfers have already got their names in. The mini tour is scheduled for March 20-22, with several vacancies still available. The cost will be $375 per player, which will cover your golf at Hills Golf Club on the Friday and two rounds at Virginia, your accommodation return bus transport and breakfast. The bus will leave the Club at 6am on the Friday, and will return to Grafton at approximately 8pm Sunday evening. For further details relating to the itinerary, contact Club captain, David Morgan.
As previously advised, the Veterans Top Gun shootout for 2020 sponsored by Coopers Brewery, will commence with the first qualifying round scheduled for Tuesday March 17, the same day as the Neil Farrington Memorial Shield. A fee of $5 per player will apply and must be paid by March 17. Ron Baker is the man to refer any inquires you may have relating to this series.
A couple of upcoming events that we can all look forward to include the Reece Plumbing 18 hole 4BBB Stableford on Saturday. On the Sunday of this weekend will be the opening mixed event for the year, which will take the form of a two person Ambrose with the competition to commence with a shotgun start at 10am. The sponsors of the event being the Grafton Motor Group. Those two events will be followed on the following weekend with the Greensill Bros. Volkswagen Scramble. The event will be for teams of four, with each player to contribute at least three drives each.
Hopefully we will have some actual golf to report on, weather permitting, next week. However the rain was more than welcome and a great golf course will be the result.
Ray Hopwood