From the Newsroom

Plans for the Grafton brewery which will be redeveloped to include a craft brewery, distillery and coffee roastery after it was approved by council at its August meeting. Image: CVC

Grafton brewery approved by council

Rodney Stevens


A development application (DA) for an artisan food and drink premises on the site of the former brewery at Grafton has been unanimously approved by Clarence Valley councillors.

The development application by Rick Firth on behalf of the Brewhouse Group Pty Ltd proposed a craft brewery, distillery, and coffee roastery at 160 North Street, Grafton.

Plans lodged with the DA show the $1.755 million development will include the Grafton Brewing Co craft brewery, The Cats Whiskers distillery, and the Brewhouse Coffee Roaster.

When the DA was placed on public exhibition council received 34 submissions, 33 supporting and one against the proposal, plus a petition of support containing 325 signatures.

At the August 22 council meeting at Maclean Chambers the council officer’s recommendation that council approve Development Application DA2022/0885 subject to the draft advices and conditions was moved by Cr Steve Pickering and seconded by Cr Debrah Novak.

Cr Peter Johnstone asked what the effect would be of changing the operating hours requested by the applicant.

Council’s director of Environment and Planning, Adam Cameron told the meeting if council staff wanted to vary the opening hours they would have to go back to the applicant and reassess the conditions put in place and possibly put in place additional mitigation measures.

Cr Johnstone then asked for council staff to explain issues with a footpath associated with the DA.

“The need for the footpath is created by the proposed development which will generate new pedestrian and cycle trips to the site,” Director Cameron said.

Director Cameron said pedestrian access is required by the Development Control Plan and the site is consistent with other developments around the valley that don’t have pedestrian access.

Council then experienced technical difficulties with the online broadcast of the meeting preventing audio being broadcast and the meeting was adjourned to try and fix the problem.

When the meeting returned, still without audio on the online broadcast, councillors voted unanimously to approve the development application.