Community News

Grafton and District Garden Club

What a privilege to be able to visit Lynette’s fantastic garden.

It is more like a farm than a garden and caters for the needs of visiting frogs, reptiles, insects, birds and more. Lots of great ideas, I think most of us were inspired to try out some of the ideas at home. Everything is thriving and looks so healthy, such an achievement, thank you for having us.

Our next open garden is on Wednesday May 24, members will find details in the latest newsletter sent to your email.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday June 1 at the Joan Muir Centre, 194 Turf Street, Grafton from 10am to midday. Entry is $2, please bring morning tea to share if you are able. We will supply coffee, tea etc.

There will also be the regular ‘Bring and Buy’ table so if you have some plants, cuttings or produce you would like to donate, they are greatly appreciated. Anything gardening related.

A guest speaker from Rocky Point Products will also be present.

Jane Rhodes