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GDSC Women’s Bowls
On Tuesday 21, vice president Mary welcomed our lady bowlers and it was nice to see a good roll up.
We had four rinks of play today with J. McDonald, P. Eather, J. Weatherstone [winners] d R. Macdonald, N. Harrison, B. Donohoe [lucky losers]; T. James, C. Morrison, L. Robertson [r/up] d V. Hall, J. McWaters, M. McClaer; D. Mason, F. Cannon d C. Newsome, A. Perkins; M. Firth, J. Pugh d M. Toovey, J. Cooper (Mary Firth scored a resting toucher).
With rain washing out play on Thursday, the final of the Championship Triples was held on Tuesday 28. With this happening the Championship Fours will now start on July 30, weather permitting.
Consistency Singles will close on August 6 with the first round on Thursday August 13. Please put your names down for Consistency Singles ladies, it is a great game to play.
We have some flyers come in for different carnivals and they are in the folder for you to check out. District Presentation Day is at Red Rock on August 27 and the list is on the board, we also have a list for Iluka Women’s Bowling Club Hibiscus Day to be held on September 8, always a great day and it is single entries.
I would like to wish Bev, Annette, Dawn and Jo all the best for the zone play off to be held at Yamba Bowling Club on Monday August 3, where they will contest the Senior Fours and would also like to wish those teams from our region who will be contesting the other games good bowling. If you would like to see some great bowls played head to the Yamba Club from August 3-5.
A reminder that our General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11th Aug. after bowls at 1.30 in the meeting room up stairs. Hope to see you all there. Good bowling everyone