Lynne Mowbray|
There is great news for jigsaw enthusiasts in the Clarence Valley with a free ‘Jigsaw exchange’ now operating in Taloumbi.
Passionate, self-titled ‘Jigsawolygist’ Lyn Willemse said that her and her husband moved to the Clarence Valley from Brisbane in March this year and have started up a jigsaw exchange from their home in Taloumbi.
“I have always had a large number of jigsaws and I’d seen a lady in Brisbane who ran a jigsaw exchange and always wanted to do the same,” Lyn said.
“My purpose is to enable others to be able to do jigsaws without the expense; as they can be quite expensive.
“I currently have approximately 150 jigsaws to choose from.
“I just want to get the word out there and that the exchange of jigsaws is a FREE service.
“If anyone is interested, they can contact me on my mobile 0405 052 792 to make a suitable time to check out this free service.