Free Come and Try BMX Day
Two free coaching and training sessions will be held on Saturday, February 6 and there are two to choose from, either 9.30am to 11.30am or 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The sessions are for new riders to gain basic bike skills and confidence to ride on the BMX track.
This will be a great opportunity for anyone who rides a bike and is interested in having a ride on a BMX race track. Riders of all ages above 2 years can join in the fun and have a ride around the BMX track.
BMX is not just for the boys, as the number of girls riding and racing BMX bikes is on the increase throughout Australia. The great thing about BMX as a sport is that the whole family can get involved, and all the family can do the same sport at the one place and time. Riders and spectators will experience the thrills and excitement of this family orientated sport.
Bring along a good working order bike (bike size can be from a 16 inch BMX to 26 inch mountain bike or strider balance bikes for the very young) and safety gear – bike helmet (preferred full face) long pants and long sleeve shirt, shoes and socks that cover the ankle, gloves (any type will do).
If you do not have some of the safety gear just ask at the canteen on the day as we do have a limited number of helmets and gloves to loan out.
The club will have someone on hand to checkout your bike and help with making it safe to ride.
Stay around after the last session and watch as the BMX club holds club racing, with sign-on from 4pm and racing at 5pm (new riders can race if they join the club). The canteen will be open during the day for cold drinks and hot food.
Tell all your friends and your parents.
The Clarence Valley BMX Club’s race track located at the corner of Abbott and Vere Streets in South Grafton.
More information is available at the Clarence Valley BMX Club’s website and updates on the Clarence Valley BMX Club facebook page.
Greg Brown