Free-booting caravanners
In response to Graham Robb’s letter (CVI 26/10/16 – Obvious our council staff are not caravanners).
I must point out that neither are the great majority of Clarence Valley residents! Up until fairly recently, the park at Brushgrove was filled to capacity with caravans, tents, and other RVs. The campers commandeered the barbeques, used the shelters to hang out washing, allowed their dogs to poop all over the park and all for free.
There is an argument that the vanners bring money into the local area but the only business in Brushgrove is the pub and their trade did not increase enough to employ extra staff. The cost of cleaning up each day after the vanners was probably more than the money they spent.
We, the residents, lost the use of our community park (despite our rates paying for the maintenance) and the residents who previously had a pleasant outlook over the park now faced out over a camping ground. To make matters worse, there is a commercial caravan park 10 kilometres up the Pacific Highway; if I was the owner and had invested capital in the Park I would be very angry.
The Council has since posted a No Camping sign and Brushgrove has reclaimed its park.
In this case (and in others) Council has properly realized that the rights of residents take precedent over those of free-booting caravanners.
Kay Spurr,