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Dreamy days for Port of Yamba sailors
Port of Yamba Yacht Club sailors have been enjoying a long run of wonderful weather since the start of our sailing season in August. Warm, sunny days have greeted us nearly every Wednesday and second Sunday when PYYC yachts sail into the river for a two to three hour race. Probably due to the lack of heavy rain, the water is unusually clear and blue and a yacht’s shadow can quite often be seen travelling over the sand on the river bed.
The club wants to share these dreamy days with more boats and more crew and we are always looking for new members. Even if you are not particularly into sailing, visitors are welcome at the club on race days and on Friday nights from 5pm for a chat and a drink in our club at the Yamba Marina. It is always nice to see some fresh faces. To assist with this, the Port of Yamba Yacht Club has registered as a participating club in the National Discover Sailing Day sponsored by Yachting Australia for this Sunday 25 October. The club will be open for visitors from 10am to 4pm on Sunday to introduce them to some of our members, explain what we do and take them for a short sail in the river. Several members are providing their yachts and time to take visitors out for free. There will be a couple of junior sailing dinghies rigged up on the lawn for any kids to check out. The junior sailing division will hold their try sailing day on the following Saturday 31 October at midday from Whiting Beach.
After the sail there will be a sausage sizzle and a chance to ask questions, discuss the day, meet more members and maybe even join the club. In any event, all visitors can have three free sails during our regular events before deciding whether they like it and whether they want to join.
So everyone should feel welcome to pop in on Sunday, try sailing on the Clarence in all it’s glory and see if you like it, all at no cost. If you are not a local and are here on holiday that is fine as we want to advance the sport and fun of sailing no matter who you are or where you live. More information about the PYYC and Discover Sailing Day can be found on our web site at or or ring 0429 406 830. Hope to see you on Sunday.
Andrew Soesan