CWA urge council to keep Maclean land
The following letter was sent to the Clarence Valley Council senior staff, mayor and councillors.
RE: The property known as 1 MacNaughton Place, Maclean.
As you may be aware, the Maclean Branch of CWA has rooms adjacent to the above property.
Maclean Branch of CWA requests that land at 1 MacNaughton Place, Maclean be retained as community land and it should not be sold. Our members see this land as an ideal place for a low key park that will provide a relaxing area for all community members to enjoy the river vista.
A park area would also complement the CWA community activities such as the mums & bub’s group, the early childhood service, the social kitchen, the poets breakfast during the Highland Gathering and the many other community events that help to make Maclean such a warm and inclusive community.
We would be happy to attend any community consultations about the use of this land.
Esther Gregory
Secretary – Maclean Branch of CWA