Community News

CWA Maclean ‘Friendship’ mornings

At our last Friendship morning Barbara Linley spoke about the newly formed Lions Club of Clarence Environmental group and the campaign to save our coastal emus.

Members and visitors were very interested to hear about the current and future projects of this group as it dovetails neatly with CWA’s practice to study a native flora and fauna species each year. Barbara spoke not only about emus but also tree planting, koala corridors and educating the community about the importance of biodiversity in the Clarence and working toward protecting and preserving threatened species. 

Our weekly Wednesday Friendship mornings are proving popular with different activities for each Wednesday. The second Wednesday of each month is our Branch meeting to organise fundraising for disaster relief projects, study a country (this year it is Malaysia), learn about our native flora and fauna plus we often have a cultural activity.

The third Wednesday of each month is handicraft morning and this month we plan to play around with air drying clay on Wednesday August 18 at 10am.  Everyone is welcome to come along and try it out. There will be a small charge for materials.

Our next ‘Sconversation’ will be Wednesday September 1 when there will be scones, jam and cream and bottomless cups of tea or coffee for $5 and of course plenty of conversation.

If you are interested in finding out more about Maclean CWA or you would like to book in for any activities, you can contact our secretary, Susan Howland on 0419 960 370 or or drop by on any Wednesday morning.

Susan Howland