Community News

The three little maids, Belinda Flowers, Sue Crowley and Anne Gray. Image: Contributed

CRU3A – Gilbert and Sullivan celebration

The first ‘Pitter Patter’ performance, a Gilbert and Sullivan celebration, commenced Wednesday 22 at the Treelands Drive Community Centre for the Mikado with 26 guests (some in traditional Japanese costume) attending the session, enjoying wine and nibbles. Sue Crowley, a veteran of many G and S operettas gave a background of the Gilbert and Sullivan partnership then a resume of each of the characters and the silliness of the plot for the first act. At intermission more refreshments were taken. Before the second act there was a run-down of its plot.   

After the screening “Three Little Maids” was performed by Sue Crowley, Belinda Flowers and Anne Gray, the trio repeating the song accompanied by lusty singing by the guests. You do not have to be a singer or know a great deal about G and S.  But if you enjoy operettas and a fun night out, please contact Group Leader Laura Marks at for more information.

The next show will be Yeoman of the Guard will be on Wednesday June 5, presented by Belinda Flowers. What costume will be appropriate for this show?

The next few dates for your diaries July 17 followed by August 28.

The next bushwalk is scheduled for June 3 (Monday). It is truly a lovely walk and a good relatively easy walk for first timers to try; only an hour each way and a mini Angourie walk as it follows the coastal area. That timing is based on ‘Lorraine time’ so it’s quite easy and pleasant sandy pathways. We will meet at Woodburn at 10am, just as you turn off the highway to the Evans Head road. Allow just under an hour for the drive from Yamba. Make your own car pool arrangements if you wish. Take your cut lunch and we will have it at Chinaman’s Beach and you can swim there as well. Hope to see you there and this is one walk you could bring someone who is not too sure of their capabilities. We will be meeting at Woodburn, just as you turn off the highway to the Evans Head road at 10am. For any more information contact Col Hennessy on 0416 814 011.

A new discussion group, ‘Thursday Talkers (and Listeners)’ is starting this week on Thursday May 30 and there are just 10 places available so get in quickly. This group meets at Wooli Street Community Hall at Yamba (in the back room), weekly on Thursday, 2-4pm and the fee is $3.  Group Leader is Steven Jenner contact 0428 126 119 or Thanks go to Steven for taking on this Group Leader role.

CRU3A is having a tea party with tea, sandwiches and cakes. Listen and laugh to well-known festival performer, local poet, raconteur and musician Peter Capp as he entertains with poems, recitations, yarns and songs. If you wish, bring along your favourite delicate cup and saucer

This get together is set for 2pm on Friday June 21 at the Uniting Church Hall, Angourie Road Yamba and the cost is $10. Places are limited and bookings are essential, call either Gail 0438 698 044 or Oliver 0425 757 418.

The ‘Pottery’ group is still looking for a kiln. Information on the availability of a kiln can be passed to Anne Dinham,

At ‘Croquet’ there were thirty players on Tuesday, David scored the only hoop to hoop, jump shots for Fran and Jan Mc. Good wins for Fran, Dale, Christine, Margaret, Susan and Andrew. New member Rick had a couple of wins in his first day of play.

Eighteen players on Friday and Dianne, Pat, Paul, Richard, Bob and Ken were winners of several games with different partners each game. Two jumps shots for Richard, one for Margaret. Hoop to hoops for Pat, Gail and Oliver.

We are hosting Yamba Bowling Club team on Friday May 31.

New members and visitors are welcome to join us, all equipment provided, call Ros on 6646 0235.

The ‘Garden’ group’s monthly meeting on Friday 24 was lively as usual, fifty two members plus several friends from Caroona attended. Raffle and trading tables were well stocked with all sorts of garden goodies. Trish has been nurturing geranium cuttings from Twin Towns Garden Club, members delighted to purchase healthy flowering plants. Visits to gardens and markets were discussed. After the meeting many of us spent a couple of hours visiting Adrienne’s fabulous garden at Palmers Island where massive old trees cast dappled shade and shelter a plethora of epiphytic ferns orchids, bromeliads. Part of the charm of this garden comes from the quirky sculptures Adrienne fashions from recycled items; thanks to her for sharing her special place.

Pauline Keegan