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Croquet at Coutts Crossing
President Wayne Gadke joined the Golf Croquet addicts on Thursday, but with mixed results, two wins, two losses. Winner on the day was Joy Campbell, three clear victories. Pat MacLennan, Frank Mack, Robyn Walters, Sheila Foley and Gillian Martin each had just one win and two, or three losses. Jim Algie arrived with a load of pavers, and won one game as a shoe-in.
On Monday, 23 turned up to play at 9am. We signed up four new members, Phill and Pam Jordan, and Royce and Marilyn Wilson. There were four more weilding mallets for the first time: Tracey McGrath, Cave Steiner, Georgie Wilbe and Simon Cook. Yvonne Gillet, Pat MacLennan, Tracey McGrath and Robyn Walters were unbeaten on the day, while Phyl Harrison, Phill and Pam Jordan, Nea and John Buckley and Simon Cook had only one loss each. Royce Wilson and Robyn Walters shared the shots of the day, 20 metre hoops. John Buckley nudged his partner home from 20 metres. Play was high standard in the conditions and on the smooth lawn. But we need that second lawn soon.
Association Croquet training has started in earnest for the members who want to add the enjoyment of AC to GC. Joy Campbell, Cynthia Corcoran and Gillian Martin were the first pupils in the intensive teaching in small groups. They were followed by more enthusiasts: Delree Philp, Jean Gadke, Nola Horrocks, and Pamela Gauci.
The club was delighted to host Clarence Valley Bushwalkers to a morning of croquet. Their sense of fun, sledging and repartee matched ours exactly and everyone had a great time. Cheryl O’Dwyer was consistently good throughout her matches, Eija White hit an elegant 10 metre hoop from a fine angle and Mary Marshall and Judy Woods both ran 15 metre hoops, but none compared with a piece of brilliance from Paddy McNeice. Almost the shot of the year he ran a ball through hoops 3 and 4 with a single shot of 20 metres, a feat achieved only once before at Coutts Crossing. The rest of his day was mediocre. 124 hoops were made during the morning, with everyone having some successes. A morning of croquet followed by lunch at Jax at the Coutts Crossing Tavern: what a way to spend Saturday!
The AC players enjoyed the sun, and the shades at the weekend. Jim Algie overcame Debbie MacIntosh 26-5 and Sue Deet was too good for Helen Forrest by 19-9 while Kay Munro lost to Peter Deeth by 11-9. Midweek Wayne Gadke showed little mercy to wife Jean and won 24-16. Peter Deeth and Jim Algie fought each other to a 14-14 stalemate. Rod Munro defended an early lead to beat Due Deeth 15-11, while Kay Munro and Peter Martin compared injuries.
Demand from members is so high that we will open a further half court on the area we licence for Golf Croquet. Golf croquet will be played on Saturday afternoons starting at 1:30 from 4th June.
The AGM of Coutts Crossing Croquet Club Inc will take place at the clubhouse at 9am on Monday, June 20.