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Croquet at Coutts Crossing

Sunday, still hot and humid, but the AC addicts came out. It was delight to welcome back Graham Wilson after a long layoff through illness, but he was rusty and lost to Rod Munro 16-8. Jim Algie had a slim win over Peter Deeth 17-14. The Martins, back from training and playing in New Zealand, had mixed fortunes. Gillian lost to Sue Deeth 13-10 and Peter edged home over Kay Munro 17-16. While in New Zealand the Martins had a four hour intensive coaching session from Greg Bryant, a handicap of minus 4, the NZ national coach and several times NZ champion. Peter Martin will be passing on the insights gained when training sessions resume in about a month. Hotter on Wednesday and the wise stayed in the air-conditioning. However Rod Munro ground out a 12-8 win against Jim Algie. In a three player, 2 balls each game there was a very close result: Peter Deeth 8, Kay Munro 7, Sue Deeth 6. Ken and Helyn Davison, John and Nea Buckley and Yvonne Gillet and Phyl Harrison accepted the invitation to play Golf Croquet at Lismore. They had a most friendly welcome and some very enjoyable matches. They had an intensive training session from Fay Ross, club captain and a highly rated coach. Monday saw eleven players, including newcomer Shirley Teese. She suffered a thumping loss; partnered by Yvonne Gillet, she went down 7-0 to Ken Davison and Phyl Harrison. But she had the last laugh when, partnered by Peter Martin, they won 7-6 over Frank Mack and Yvonne Gillet. This was despite Frank’s shot of the day, a 30 metre hoop. Gillian Martin had a good morning winning three games. Joy Campbell was in form, winning two games handsomely. Nola Horrocks, Helyn Davison and Robyn Walters all had mixed mornings, good in parts. Ken and Helyn Davison reported on what they had learned in visits to clubs in NSW and Victoria. Ken has agreed to set arbitrary handicaps for regular golf players, with the idea of playing one session per month to handicap. U3A in Yamba has started playing croquet on old netball courts. Coutts Crossing has loaned them hoops and mallets and over the last two weeks nine Coutts Crossing members have travelled to Yamba to teach them how to play. Forty-one people turned up to play. The quality of play was low: the enthusiasm and enjoyment were sky high. The rumours circulated recently that the croquet club in Coutts Crossing had closed are a fabrication put out by a small group of former club members. Croquet in Coutts Crossing is thriving. To join the fun and enjoy this great game call 6649 5109 for details. Susan Deeth