With the Easter long weekend just days away, Clarence Valley Council rangers are stepping up day and night patrols in coastal areas in order to reduce the number of people illegally camping in car parks and secluded spots in the Clarence Valley.
“NSW Government health directives are clear. Travelling up and down the coast for leisure purposes is not classified as essential travel.” Council’s Director of Environment, Planning and Community Des Schroder said.
“We understand there are some people with no permanent address; in those very specific cases they should locate to one of our caravan parks that are open for essential travellers only and follow social distancing advice. They should remain in those locations until the NSW Health Orders are lifted.”
“Our rangers will also be keeping an eye on people not following the health directives and will be reporting them to the police if required. The only reason people should be at the beach is to exercise. Once you complete your exercise you should return home immediately.”
People using beaches for exercise are reminded to:
- Keep at least 1.5 metres away from other people
- Remember that these measures also include in-water activities (surfing and swimming)
- Limit gatherings to to no more than 2 people (unless in the same household)
Residents witnessing NSW Health orders being ignored should contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000